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Supporting Our Parish

St. Christopher Parish relies upon the generous support of our parishioners for the funding of our ministries, facilities, and operations. We are truly blessed to have so many people who participate in this mission! Helping to build the Kingdom of God is an investment that truly lasts forever.

We encourage all parishioners to enroll in a weekly giving program. The two primary methods of weekly offerings are through automated online giving or weekly donation envelopes. As a donor of record, you will receive a detailed tax statement of your donations. You may also make a one-time donation below.

Online Giving

Automated online giving is an easy and secure way to support the ongoing life of the parish. Weekly or monthly withdrawals from your bank account or credit card are made through our online giving provider Faith Direct. We recommend this method over mailed envelopes since it saves the parish the cost of printing and mailing weekly envelopes.

Sign Up for Online Giving at Faith Direct

One Time Donation

Make a secure one-time donation to the parish or make an Offertory Catch-Up through our online giving provider Faith Direct. Your generosity helps to sustain and develop the parish!

Donate Now

Offertory Envelopes

Donations using offertory envelopes can be mailed to the parish or dropped in the wooden offertory kiosks by the church doors. You will receive a yearly record of your giving. Contact the parish office to sign-up for offertory envelopes.

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