The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (also known as confession) is one of two sacraments of healing. The Sacrament of Penance is God’s gift to us so any sin committed after Baptism is forgiven. It gives us the opportunity to repent and return to good graces and friendship with God and the Church.
During reconciliation we place ourselves in the presence of God. This can be done in a private setting (confessional) or face-to-face with a priest. Reconciliation allows the priest to offer absolution by acting “in the person of Christ.” It is at this time we receive God’s mercy and forgiveness. Healed and forgiven we are sent out to show peace, justice and love in our community and world.
The parish offers the opportunity for confessions Monday through Thursday at around ~7:45 AM after morning mass and on Saturday from 3 – 3:30 PM. During Advent and Lent there are other opportunities and you can always speak with Fr. David about scheduling time for Confessions outside of the regular times.
Find out more First Penance Program at the parsh.